Thursday, June 11, 2009

I had a pretty unproductive day :-( I am so tired in the mornings it's weird. The boys didn't even want to play outside, Ethan kept saying it's too hot. I tried to shut the door because they go in and out and it's way too hot in my house for that. It didn't fly though, they were out there 5 min. and both their little cheeks were red. So they played in the room instead. lots of energy these two! They found this lazy susan thing I have in the cabinets so I let them play with it. It's so cute Ethan lays on his belly and spins himself with his hands and gets sooooo dizzy, it cracks me up. the baby's room is almost finished! I'm excited, I'm keep thinking I'm going to go into preterm labor though. Maybe it's the baby shows I've been watching on t.v. lol. I do want her to be fully developed so I can take her home with me from the hospital. One week early wouldn't be bad though :-) Um, what else, cooked dinner and getting ready to go to a women's meeting.

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